CCTC Social Responsiveness Toolkit
The CCTC Social Responsiveness Toolkit for Health Service Psychology Education and Training is now available for distribution! It’s a great document but is only as useful as we make it.
You can access the Social Responsiveness Toolkit by:
- Going to CCTC web page and clicking on toolkit link (front and center)
- Or going directly to toolkit here:
Share with your home institution colleagues – share with your HSP faculty/staff and with broader psychology colleagues (e.g., your dept chair, IDE committees, faculty/staff/trainees). Ask your leadership and colleagues to consider how you can utilize the Toolkit to facilitate your local-level work as socially responsive educators, researchers, practitioners, administrators, etc.
Please look for:
- Call for submissions to joint special issues of Training and Education in Professional Psychology and Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
- Call for volunteers to serve on the CCTC Social Responsiveness Advisory Group that will continue to shepherd us through dissemination, implementation, and growth of our social responsiveness work
If you have ideas or questions about how to keep our momentum going, please feel free to contact:
- Debi Bell, outgoing CCTC Chair
- Andrea Zartman, incoming CCTC Chair
- Sharon Berry, incoming CCTC Associate Chair
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