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Member Benefits

Here are some of the reasons why you or your program might consider being a member:

  • Opportunities for networking with other training programs/training directors and colleagues.
  • Having a connection to the larger clinical health psychology training community where information regarding recruitment, training, and healthcare trends can be shared.
  • Opportunities to receive guidance and support in promoting a developmental approach to training in clinical health psychology.
  • Having a voice that is represented by CCHPTP in the larger training community within APA and the Clinical Health Specialty Council.
  • We offer several free networking forums each year (CCHPTP Connects) that allow members to meet and share information, challenges and lessons learned.
  • We also hold a midwinter meeting each year (typically in January or February). Midwinter meetings are designed to inform members on innovations, priority developments, and emerging trends in clinical health psychology education and training. Members receive a discounted rate for the meeting and free CEs.

New Member Drive Now!

The Council of Clinical Health Psychology Training Programs (CCHPTP) is accepting applications for new members!

Join now and take advantage of our New Member discount for 2025!
Discount in effect until December 31, 2024.*

* Applications for new members must be submitted by December 31, 2024 to receive the discounted rate. The New Member discount will be applied to 2025 dues.

Membership Pricing

We have four categories of membership

Program Membership
$ 200 Annually

Clinical Health Psychology Training programs (doctoral, internship, or postdoctoral) can apply for membership. See criteria for membership listed below.

  • Access to member only content (coming soon)
  • Resources and consultation
Associate Program Membership
$ 175 Annually

For programs that demonstrate commitment to training health service psychology students. See criteria for membership listed below.

  • Access to member only content (coming soon)
  • Resources and consultation
Individual Member
$ 50 Anually

For those who are interested in the education and training of clinical health psychologists but who are not affiliated with a training program

  • Access to member only content (coming soon)
  • Resources and consultation
Student Member
$ 0 Annualy

CCHPTP is now accepting Individual Student Memberships for those graduate students who are interested in the education and training of clinical health psychologists.  Applicants must verify student status.

  • Access to member only content (coming soon)

Approved Programs and Individuals can pay their annual dues online using links provided.  To pay by check, mail to the Treasurer

Program Membership

Qualifications: Members of CCHPTP are clinical health psychology doctoral, internship, and post-doctoral programs that produce clinical health psychologists capable of functioning as scientific investigators and as practitioners, consistent with the highest standards of clinical health psychology and consistent with Health Service Psychology guidelines.  CCHPTP members adhere to a training model in which all trainees obtain competencies in both conducting empirical research and engaging in practice in clinical health psychology settings.

 CCHPTP has two types of program membership:

  • Full Membership is offered to doctoral, internship, and postdoctoral programs that train health service psychology students with competencies in the science and practice of clinical health psychology, and provide training at the “Major Area of Study” or “Emphasis” levels of the Taxonomy (see below).  Doctoral and internship programs must be accredited through APA or CPA for full membership. Program representatives from programs with Full Membership can participate in all aspects of CCHPTP governance, including running for elected office, voting for candidates for office, and voting on initiatives being considered by the organization.
  • Associate Membership is offered to programs that demonstrate commitment to training health service psychology students with competencies in the science and practice of Clinical Health Psychology, and provide training at the “Experience” or “Exposure” levels of the Taxonomy (see below).   Representatives of programs with Associate Membership are welcomed and encouraged to participate in discussion of initiatives being considered by CCHPTP, but cannot participate in CCHPTP governance.  CCHPTP encourages Associate Member programs to apply for Full Membership status if they meet criteria over time.

Individual Membership

CCHPTP is now accepting Individual Memberships for those who are interested in the education and training of clinical health psychologists but who are not affiliated with a training program.

Individual Student Membership

CCHPTP is now accepting Individual Student Memberships for those graduate students who are interested in the education and training of clinical health psychologists.